Zelda wind waker songs wii u walkthrough dragon roost
Zelda wind waker songs wii u walkthrough dragon roost

Pull the block out of the wall to climb up and open the treasure chest to the right. But did you know that you can also get some valuable stuff from rats? Drop some fish food in front of the rat hole and you'll be offered your choice of potions (for a small fee, of course). 100 Completion refers to having mastered all aspects of a title, completing tasks that are addressed permanently to the quests status. A baton used to change wind direction and play other songs that perform specific tasks. Slash it with your sword if it gets close. Wind Waker: Given by King of Red Lions upon arriving at Dragon Roost Island. Watch out, there's a nasty rat here who likes to steal your money. Ready to move on? Just pull the right block towards you, then the one in the middle. Pull the next block out as appropriate to reveal it and collect the rupees. If you want some more rupees, there is actually a second secret passage on top of the next block (one level higher. WIND WAKER HD: Gameplay Walkthrough Part 3: DRAGON ROOST ISLAND The Legend of Zelda Wii U Let's Play We find a sail for the King of Red Lions in Windfall. Crawl inside and collect the rupees, then emerge from the passage in the same room.

zelda wind waker songs wii u walkthrough dragon roost

There is a hidden passage underneath the middle block. Do you need some money? Then pull the blocks out halfway as shown in the picture.

Zelda wind waker songs wii u walkthrough dragon roost